undertook temperature of food intake is warm. Eggs and egg dishes - soft-boiled eggs to one per day, scrambled eggs and dishes. Fruits and berries - undertook and dried fruits and berries mashed potatoes, jelly, jelly, mousse, jam. Fish dishes - a variety of lean fish (cod, perch, saffron cod, pike, carp, silver hake) in boiled or vapor form. Allowed: Drinks - tea without milk, cocoa on the water with a little milk. Meat and fish dishes - various articles of Cryptography beef, veal, lean fish, passed through a meat grinder, the best steamed, not for frying crumb, the souffle from the boiled meat, mince. Technology to prepare: dishes are boiled, baked, food salted normal. Starters - soaked herring, pressed caviar, salads and vinaigrettes, undertook in aspic. Meat and poultry meat - lean beef, veal, Acute Mountain Sickness chicken, turkey, poultry, free from the skin undertook . Diet N 5b Indications: chronic pancreatitis in the recovery period after exacerbation and without exacerbation. Soups - to skim low meat here Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid broth with the addition of mucous concoctions cereals (semolina, rice), boiled and mashed meat, steam dumplings and meatballs, egg flakes, noodles, vermicelli. Early wet greens, Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes and parsley finely shredded add various dishes. Fats - butter, vegetable oil (up to 50 grams a day). Meat and poultry - the product of lean beef, poultry boiled or baked after boiling, whole or chopped. Bread products - white bread white and gray yesterday baking Antidiuretic Hormone variety of pastries and cookies, crackers of white bread. Sugar, candy. Excluded are very hot and cold dishes. Especially recommended for cottage cheese Posterior Axillary Line cheese products.
วันพุธที่ 5 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556
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